Wedding photography has indefinitely assumed a remarkable facet in our regiment. Growing up you would search me carrying a thirty-five mm telephoto camera on me snapping headshots of my best childhood and favorite subjects, and the exceptional locales a part of the smallish coastal locale in the northern Virginia port where my family and I went to elementary school. The hobby blossomed of a loving money making skill which I became one with, digesting wedding portraiture and scenic photoshoots in my 20's. After, I began forging a busy photography career plan where beautiful momentum and character building influences had already started to manifest and shine out throughout my wedding photo work. This day I am forever a always published and award winning Seattle Located Wedding popular photographer and travel about all around United States and all of Washington. I am also a part time Seattle television Photographer. Tell your friends to have a look at my coveted website to find out some more about my business: [color=#000_url]Wedding Photographer Seattle[/color]